Founded in 1966, College of the Mainland (COM) is a public community college dedicated to student success. COM offers an innovative approach to student support called Guided Pathways that helps its 5,000+ students find their strengths when establishing their educational path. COM boasts more than 48 relevant career fields to choose from once a student completes any of its degree programs.
After 15 years with Blackboard, it was time for College of the Mainland to begin negotiating a new LMS contract. COM empowered its faculty to choose an LMS that could best support them moving forward. After a year-long evaluation, the LMS migration committee chose Brightspace as the ideal new learning management system.
COM began its transition to Brightspace in early 2022 using standard bulk migration tools, but the process was slower than they would have liked, and many courses required extensive cleanup. By April, the university was in a hurry to finish transitioning the final one thousand courses by the middle of June. Pivoting from a manual migration method to K16 Solutions’ automated migration solution meant that COM was able to complete its migration project on time and with ease