Goodwin’s team said overtime pay would have been a given without K16’s automated Scaffold Migration service to help on the migration. With the small staff and the extra work of merging with another university, Goodwin’s team could not have completed the transfer to Canvas alone. “K16 was an amazing investment. We saved a lot of time. We actually saved money because we didn’t have to hire people to come in and do additional work for us, or pay us to work a ton of overtime,” said Jensen. Lisa Manley, Director Online Studies and Center for Teaching Excellence, estimated Goodwin would have spent at least three times K16’s fee for overtime pay. “It was definitely worth the investment,” she said. “It gave the team time to do other things.”
K16 began with a pilot run to transfer 150 courses. Pleased with the results, K16’s work was extended to migrate 500 courses. Leveraging its experience and innovative software, K16 developed a flow to address Goodwin’s desire for all courses to be identical structurally and ensure classes were migrated without error. ”They kept the flow going because they know their business. They’ve done this before, and we have not. It would have been utter chaos moving the stuff over by ourselves,” said Manley, who believes the migration would have been delayed at least one semester without K16.
K16’s services also reduced the stress level. “We would have been in this crunch time from the word go, and K16 dramatically reduced the crunch time we did see,” Jensen said. Aside from the cost of overtime, the Goodwin team was able to spend time with family during the summer of migration. “K16’s contribution to this transition was priceless to us,” said Manley.